
A Little DiSjOiNtEd Road Trippin’

The pace of my art has changed, for the moment at least whilst I sort out things I need to for the new year. However, with that said it never sleeps, always there dormant and ready to frustrate the hell out of me if I don’t put the creativity to use. Last week I have sandblasted some glass pieces for commissions including a Ruby Wedding Anniversary. DSC_0008

My work will inevitably have to change course as by the end of November I’ll be leaving The Sorting Office Studios. Happy/Sad. I really have met so many talented, interesting, fun people on the journey, but as with everything else it’s time to move on. I’ve also had a great time experimenting with kiln firing/gilding and spray painting glass (and my hand).

Weekends are more than ever becoming time to spend with close family and friends. In the past few weeks they have been about road tripping in the south, revisiting sites such as Dungeness that were inspirational to me at the time I was studying for my fine art degree in Canterbury Christ church University. It was particularly great to revisit as the sun was low and casting incredible shadows on the scattered remains of wooden sheds full of ropes, drift wood, rusted wobbly railway lines, and hidden treasure-if you look hard enough.


My trip away will remind me of what I have left behind, parts of the UK that I won’t be able to compare to anywhere else, Bodiam Castle was a particularly great find, a castle like the kind you imagine, moat, turrets, climbable towers, port cullis and used in Monty Python no less.

Harry Potter Studios
Harry Potter Studios

On another note I was lucky enough to visit the Harry Potter Studios with the school and left feeling in awe of the incredible detail and craftsmanship involved in the films. To see the original sets and props in situ of where they were used and filmed is really quite an experience and I’d recommend going to anyone, even if you’re not the greatest fan of wizards.

A little disjointed blog this time around, as I wait checking for a response for a recent exhibition application, think about Christmas commissions (yep I said it) and just generally mull stuff over.DSC_0202

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